Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Show Kindness Today! The Man In The Wheelchair


Up There

Submitted by Jeanie from Australia
I'm a "little old lady" and on a limited budget. However, the supermarkets put the lower priced items on the top shelves. Many many times I have struggled to reach what I wanted and often I have had to ask someone to get it down for me. No one has ever refused and everyone has seemed happy to help. Today I picked up a package of vegetables and three other packages fell to the floor. I started to pick them up when a young boy came over and picked them up for me. So many people, so many kindnesses. I am going to try to do 2-5 acts of kindness each month during 2015. I've only done 2 so far. In all my years I never set this kind of goal before. I think it is about time.

Santa Claus

Submitted by Colleen from Arlington heights, il
I wanted to do something nice for another family for the holidays. I took a leap of faith and reached out to total strangers in a Facebook group I belong to. I received several messages and selected two families. One family couldn't afford Christmas gifts and the other was a single mom of a 6 month old baby. I went shopping and bought toys from Santa for one family and the new mom gift card for diapers, new outfit for the baby and a few little toys. They were shipped in time for Christmas and it made me feel good to help a family.

The Man In The Wheelchair

Submitted by Maria from Sweden
I was getting hungry and I decided to buy a hotdog. I went inside the grocery store and waited for my turn to order. I saw a cashier helping an older man in a wheelchair. He was buying some coffee and a cake, and she helped him to his table and served coffee and the cake. I smiled and I really appreciated how nice she was to him. I watched the man as he endulged in the goodies and I noticed he was also grocery shoping as he had a cart filled with food. I admired him for getting out and doing things healthy people don't even thing twice about. So I got my hotdog and went outside where my family waited for me. I ate it pretty fast and decided I wanted another one. So I went to the store again and waited for my turn. When I paid for my food and was about to leave, I noticed the same man in the wheelchair was also finished with his food and ready to go. I kept turning my head and looking at him as he was trying to get his cart and push it towards the exit door. I went back and asked him if he needed some help. His face all lit up and he said yes. I asked him if I could push the cart for him and asked him where he wanted to go. He was waining for the cab, and he said he usually waits for the cabdriver to come and get him at the exit. So I pushed the cart and he followed me. I thought for a second how he first went to a wrong side and I kept talking to him so he knew where I was heading. At the exit, he thanked me a lot and I told him it was not a big deal. He took my hand and told me it was a big deal for him as he also is 90% blind and that I really helped him. I almost choked up and I teared up. Many people were looking at us not saying a word. He held my hand and talked to me for a while, and I wished him a Happy New Year. I was almost crying when I got out . What a simple action and yet it was such a huge help for a human being.

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