No one enjoys having car trouble, especially if they are on their way to work or late for an appointment. The feeling of being stranded somewhere can be extremely stressful, but it can also very lonely. All it might take for you to boost the spirits of someone whose car is broken down is just to stop and see if there is anything you can help with. Even if help is already on the way, he or she will be grateful for your gesture.
Helping someone who is having car trouble will make their day a million times brighter. Even if it turns out that you aren’t able to help that person, he or she will certainly appreciate that you noticed their struggles and took the time to reach out to them. Sometimes it takes a bad situation like having your car break to make us see and appreciate the kindness that exists in the world.
Step It Up
When you see someone stranded on the side of the road, stop and ask if they need help. You may not be able to fix their car, but maybe you can jump start their car or give them a lift to the nearest gas station. Even just offering to let them use your cell phone to call for help will be helpful. If you are alone in your car, and feel unsafe speaking to a stranger, an alternative would be to call your local police non-emergency line and let them know there is someone in need of help.
Keep It Simple
When a friend, family member or neighbor is having car trouble, offer to drive them a ride to wherever they need to go.