Sunday 24 March 2013

Hold the Door Open for Someone

......Hold the Door Open for Someone
Holding the door open for someone is something they just do in old movies, right? Guess again. Holding the door open is a polite and thoughtful act you can easily do for your family, friends and even strangers, every day. Whether you’re at school, the grocery story, at work, or at home, those around you will certainly appreciate your good manners.


How you treat others can also say a lot about you as a person. If actions really do speak louder than words, what are you telling others about yourself? Besides, everyone appreciates a polite act, like having a door held open for them. Hold a door open for someone and give them a smile. A small gesture on your part, like holding the door open for someone, will certainly brighten their day and may even turn around a bad mood.

Step It Up

Go out of your way whenever you can to hold a door open for others. If you are about to enter a door, and you notice that there are people behind you, hold the door open for them until all of them are inside.

Keep It Simple

Remember to hold the door open for others whenever the occasion arises.

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