Sunday 24 March 2013

Let Someone Go in Line in Front of You

Let Someone Go in Line in Front of You
With technology becoming more and more advanced, as a society we get used to doing everything as quick as possible and getting everything we want instantaneously. When we’re caught up in the face-paced world of today, we often forget to stop to notice those around us. So next time you’re in a hurry in public, slow down and go out of your way to be courteous to everyone around you. When you’re standing in the checkout line, waiting to pay for your food at the grocery store or waiting to order your drink at a coffee shop, offer to let the person behind you go in front of you.
This is a great way to practice patience, a virtue that will carry over into all areas of your life. It’s also a simple way to make someone’s day memorable. Would you forget the stranger who went out of his or her way to make your day?
Step It Up
Make it a habit to offer someone your place in line or let them go in front of you at least once a day. You’ll be surprised at how many opportunities arise and at how practicing patience will impact your daily life.
Keep It Simple
Another way to practice patience and be generous to those in front of you in line is to be gracious about waiting your turn. Don’t complain or think badly of the person in front of you, even if they are taking a long time. Or when someone cuts you in line, try not to dwell on it.

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