Thursday 28 March 2013

Help a Child Learn

Help a Child Learn
When you look back at your own childhood, you can probably name several key people who taught you some of the most important things you know today. You too, can be an influential force in a child’s life by spending time helping him or her to learn. You can help a child master a subject he or she is struggling with in school, teach him or her to play a sport or learn another skill.

For children who don’t have an influential adult in their lives, just being a small part of their lives could make a huge difference. Helping a child learn is also a great way to teach him or her to help others. Being able to see someone learn because of the effort you’ve put into teaching them can be an extremely rewarding experience for you.

Step It Up
Find an after-school program in your community where you can volunteer to help children with their homework. Or volunteer as a sports coach at a local school or recreation center.

Keep It Simple

If you’re a parent, simply find the time to help your own children learn, whether it is assisting them with homework or teaching them the values that are important to you.

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